2022 Evolution Electric Vehicles Classic 4 Plus
The Quickest, & Most Capable Golf Carts in Electric Vehicle History.
Features may include:
- Luxury 2 Tone Seats
- 9-inch touchscreen with back-up camera
- Decorative Strip
- Colored Decorative Wheel Trim
- New dashboard with colored cover cellphone/cupholders
- Luxury Steering Wheel
- Extended roof and flip flop rear seat kits
- New plastic rear seat kit with trunk & cup holders
- Rearview Mirror
- Speedometer
- Horn
- USB Port
- Battery: Lithium 110AH
- Acid Dipped, Powder Coated Steel Chassis for a longer “cart life expectancy” with a LIFETIME Warranty!
- Onboard waterproof Evolution charger, preprogrammed to both Trojan and Evolution lithium batteries!
- Clear foldable windshield
- Golf bag holder & sweater basket
- Injection mold body with impact resistance
- Independent suspension with four arms
- Assembled at one of our 2 – locations in the USA for proper quality control.
- Bright lighting for the front and rear in order to maximize visibility in the dark and to alert other drivers on the road to be aware of your presence